Gospel Tracts

GO! Evangelism Ministry, Inc. - Buy Gospel Tracts Now

About us

Welcome to GO Evangelism Ministry!

Mission Statement

"I have never found a Gospel Tract that so completely and clearly explains how to get saved and with such attractive colors, graphics and the most powerful message that will draw people to read them. My burden and prayer are, Lord, Give Me Souls!" Rev. Goodwin, Livingstone, TX.

For details, information visit our website www.gospeltracts.org

Mission Statement

Welcome to GO Evangelism Ministry! GO Evangelism Ministry, Inc. is committed to sharing the message of Christ with all people.We are a non-profit Christian ministry fully devoted to impacting the lives of tens of thousands of people annually in the Greater Los Angeles area and various cities in Mexico, through actual street witnessing.

Gospel Tracts

The Gospel can be proclaimed with urgency, with passion, with fidelity, as well as with earnestness and yet with a gentle, compassionate smile of brotherly-love. A friend can hand a gospel tract to a co-worker with a smile as well as express his loving care of his friend.


Salvation Tracts

Salvation tracts for witnessing are easy to use! This free download gospels will give Christians important ideas and instructions on how, why and where to use salvation tracts for soul winning. 

Bible Tracts 

Gospeltracts.org is your go-to source for gospel bible tracts and evangelism resources to help you share your faith effectively and biblically.

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